Sunday, July 17, 2016

NervousMan Walks Somewhere Else

NervousMan walked about 35-40 minutes around campus, sitting and resting for a few minutes at one point. He watched the many people walking and looking at the screens they held in their hands.

The hopeful side of NervousMan said, 'Well at least they're getting out, and being around each other. In the fresh air and sunshine'.

The cynical side said, 'We're more in touch with the machines now, than each other. They are like extensions of our nervous systems now. We expect them. We see the world through them'.

'Maybe they will lead us back to each other,' the hopeful side replied.

The cynical side said, 'That is never the way'.

The tower bell rang, 15 minutes after, and NervousMan thought, 'God is not a place outside ourselves,' and he thought on this.

'Poetic', said the other side, finally. 'If that is not in the Bible then it should be'.

Perhaps that is the way to think about it, NervousMan thought to himself. 'God is not a place outside ourselves'. The spark is always divine, and it resides within us, for as long as we live.

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